Organization Behavior Concepts.

Organization Behavior Concepts.
defining the definitions for the paper.
This paper will serve as a comprehensive review for this class. We will watch a movie in class. You are requested to 1)define each of the following terms (cite your source for each and all definitions) and then 2)apply each term/concept to the movie. You are encouraged to be creative. The intent is to review/provide the interpretation of the terms and apply the terms to the movie. Remember to cite sources for all definitions.
Utilize the writing rubric when you format your paper. The value of this paper is 315 points: 265 points for the questions, 50 points for the writing rubric. Please note there are questions that carry greater value. The document is due Thursday, Dec 3, at the beginning of class.
Respond to each of the following:
1. Provide an executive summary of the movies (approximately one paragraph). Value 10 points
2. Define strategy. Provide an example from the movie. Value 10 points
3. Differentiate an open and closed organizational system. Provide an example of each from the movie. Explain. Value 10 points
4. Differentiate a formal and informal organization, where did this occur in the movie Value 10 points
5. Define Individualism and Collectivism. Provide specific examples for each from the movie. Value 10 points
6. Describe Locus of Control. How can this be exemplified in the movie. Provide 2 examples. Value 10 points
7. Differentiate Affective and Cognitive Affect. Where are these seen in the movie Value 10 points
8. Describe Theory X and Theory Y. Provide an example of each from the movie. Value 10 points
a. Theory X: A set of assumptions a manager might apply to people who are motivated by lower order needs
• safety and security needs
• physiological needs
– X are people who are motivated by safety needs (lower) lack of energy, innovation, ambition and do not want to grow.
b. Theory Y: A set of assumptions manager might apply to people who are motivated by higher order needs
• Love (Social) needs
• Esteem needs
• Self Actualizations needs:
– Y are people who are motivated by love, self esteem and self actualization, they are highly motivated and wants more responsibility and promotions, development potential.

9. Define the 3 types of stress. Provide an example of each in the movie Value 10 points
• Stress: when we have conflict (can be in thoughts, beliefs or behaviors). Anything that results in a uncomfortable feeling. Also, it is energy experienced when confronted with a difficult situation.
• Eustress: Extreme positive (high adrenaline rush), Healthy, normal stress as long as you don’t spend too much time in Eustress.
• Distress: Continuum for stress, too much time in stress can cause distress.
10. Draw the communication model. Where in the movie were barriers to successful communication identified Value 10 points
11. Identify the 8 steps to decision making. Describe a scene from the movie where all 8 steps are exemplified. Value 10 points
12. Five forms of power are discussed in your text Identify them, define them, and provided an example of each from the movie. Value 10 points
1. Legitimate: Power based on title and position.
2. Reward: managers use due to their ability to provide rewards or incentives.
3. Referent: charismatic power, best power to have, possess a demonstrated skill that will make you good in your position or role.
4. Coercive: Used when in a time crunch or during areas of stress, when you have time constraints, cause an unpleasant experience for a target.
5. Expert Power: Surround yourself in your vulnerable ares, observe and learn from managers, they are perceived to be experts.
13. Differentiate leadership from management Where can each of these be seen in the movie Value 10 points
1. Leaders: one who inspires other and initiates changes development.
2. Management: managers are more operational.
14. Define Differentiation and Integration How are these demonstrated in the movie Value 10 points
15. Draw Mintzberg’s five basic parts of an organization Provide an example of each in the movie Value 10 points
16. What are organizational artifacts Provide 3 examples from the movie. Value 10 points
17. “FIT” is discussed from several perspectives. Provide 2 examples of “Fit” in the movie. Value 10 points
18. What are Mission, Vision, and Values What is an example of M-V-V- in the movie Value 10 points
19. What is organizational culture Describe organizational culture in a scenario in this movie. Value 10 points
20. What is Situational Analysis Perform it on this scenario. Value 10 points
21. Identify and discuss three external forces to change. Provide an example from the movie for each one. Value for this question is 15 points.
22. The text discusses 7 barriers to change. List them, define them, and provide an example for each. Value for this question is 15 points.
23. What is MBO. Define it and provide an example from the movie. Value for this question is 15 points.
24. This movie is a good demonstration of behavior within an organization. Why Value 10 points
25. This paper is a good comprehensive review for this class, why Value 10 points

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