Nutrition and Hydration

Write a description of the patient assessment using a tool for inpatient and long-term patient care, such as the Lawton IADL Scale. Explain whether nutrition and/or hydration might be impacted by the patient’s functional abilities. Then, describe the patient’s diet and whether he or she has any special dietary needs due to medical conditions. Address whether or not the patient is attempting to compensate for a medical issue and thus creating a deficiency or excess in his or her diet. Finally, explain strategies for improving any nutrition issues that might present during the patient assessment (nutritional supplements, community resources such as Meals on Wheels, dietician)
Resnick, B. (Ed.). (2016). Geriatric nursing review syllabus: A core curriculum in advanced practice geriatric nursing (5th ed.). New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society.

Chapter 29, “Nutrition and Weight” (pp. 221-228)

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