Unions have a different legal status than other organizations in Canada. Explain the ways in which unions are different and why this unique status has emerged. In your answer consider the following issues:

Assignment 1


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Unions have a different legal status than other organizations in Canada. Explain the ways in which unions are different and why this unique status has emerged. In your answer consider the following issues:
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Assignment 1 is worth 15% of your final grade. This assignment should be submitted after you have completed the readings and learning activities for Units 1 and 2.


Write a short essay (600 to 800 words) answering the question below.  Where possible, refer to the online course materials and the assigned readings for Units 1 and 2, using proper footnoting procedures and accepted citation format for material taken directly from another source.


Essay Topic


Unions have a different legal status than other organizations in Canada. Explain the ways in which unions are different and why this unique status has emerged. In your answer consider the following issues:


  • the historical roots of unionism in Canada
  • the effect of Canada’s labour law regime on union structure
  • union democracy and the duty of fair representation
  • the effect of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • the notion of collective rights versus individual rights