Global Peace Index

Global Peace Index
Assignment Task:
In this assignment, we will use data provided in the Global Peace Index to investigate peacefulness differences among two groups of countries. More specifically, our task is to find out whether there are systematic or real differences on peacefulness among Middle Eastern and North African countries as one group and African or Asian countries as another group. We will use One-Way ANONVA to answer this question.
To complete this assignment, follow these steps:
Step 1: From the Global Peace Index rankings, choose (a) 30 Middle Eastern and North African countries and their peacefulness scores and (b) 30 African or Asian countries and their peacefulness scores.
Step 2: Enter these score into an SPSS file.
Step 3: Run One-Way ANOVA and get the output.
Step 4: Analyze the output.
You need to submit both the One-Way ANOVA output and your analysis. Use the following link to access scores on the Global Peace Index.

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can i have it in excel version please