(Samples and sequences) Consider the signal x(t) = (t)+ m2(t – m) mZ

1. (Samples and sequences) Consider the signal
x(t) = (t)+ m2(t – m)
where is the rectangular pulse and Z is the set of all integers other than zero. Plot x and show
that it is absolutely integrable and square integrable, but not periodic. Now consider the sequence of
samples cn = x(n) of the signal x. Plot the sequence c and show that it is periodic, but neither absolutely
summable, nor square summable. Hint:
8 1 p2
m2 = 6 .
2. (Raised cosine) Plot the signal
1 1 4 1 < t =
< t = 1
1 1 p
22 2 + cos 2pt – x(t) = 1 1 p 1
4 22 2 4 + cos 2pt + – < t = –
0 otherwise
and find its Fourier transform ˆx = Fx. Plot the Fourier transform. Is the Fourier transform square
integrable Is it absolutely integrable
3. (Finite impulse response filter) Design a low pass finite impulse response filter with cuttoff frequency
c = 2400 Hz and sample period P = 1
F where F = 8000 Hz. Ensure the filter satisfies the following
• has no more that 81 taps,
• affects the amplitude of frequencies in the interval [0, 2300 Hz] by no more than 10%,
• attenuates the amplitude of frequencies in the interval [2500 Hz,F/2] by more than 90%.
Plot the discrete impulse response and magnitude spectrum of this digital filter.

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(Samples and sequences) Consider the signal x(t) = (t)+ m2(t – m) mZ
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