Withdrawal of Namibia from the Common Monetary Area (CMA)

Your expected to submit an essay on the following topic:

“Would the withdrawal of Namibia from the Common Monetary Area (CMA) benefit our country or cause its downfall?”

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Withdrawal of Namibia from the Common Monetary Area (CMA)
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Your essay must in all respects comply with the formal APA referencing requirements. After Turn-it-in submission, your plagiarism index score should be below 20%. The suggested length of the essay is 4 pages max excluding the reference list. The essay must be typed in Calibri 11 and 1.5 spacing.


Your introduction must, in addition to the normal requirements of problem statement etc, also contain a clear route map of the way you intend travelling in the pages ahead.


Essay must be a student’s own work and the mark given for the essay is a mark for the work done by that student alone. The essay is not given as group work and not handed in as group work.


It follows that if a student hands in an essay that contains work that is also found in the essay of another student, the student must be guilty either of plagiarism or collusion. Both are prohibited and against the rules.


The essay will be subjected to an electronic matching with the essay of all the other students. Any essay found to match more than can be reasonably expected will be assumed to have been copied (plagiarism) or the result of collusion. It is certainly “deception relating to academic work”.


“Working in a group” is not an excuse and will not be accepted as a reason for plagiarism or collusion.  It is, of course, legitimate to discuss the essay with other students, but that is not the same as working out the answers together or sharing out the answers. Students can discuss the essay question, what it means and how it can be approached, but must still work out the answer on their own.

You are welcome at the start of a lecture to ask questions about the essay (or any other work). Rather attend the lecture than make yourself guilty of plagiarism or collusion. You can also ask questions via e-mail. It is a very effective means of communicating as you get a written reply from me.


Any student that is suspected of plagiarism or collusion will receive zero for the essay. It does not matter who “copied” from whom, both will receive zero.


The essay will count 40% of your course mark.

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