What are the similarities and differences between how America dealt with Iraq compared to how America dealt with Vietnam?

What are the similarities and differences between how America dealt with Iraq compared to how America dealt with Vietnam?


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What are the similarities and differences between how America dealt with Iraq compared to how America dealt with Vietnam?
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  1. Answer the question in a group of 2-3 people
  2. Create a presentation that details the similarities and differences of the Vietnam War to the Iraq war.
    1. Use Google Slides, Keynote or Nearpod
    2. You must:
      1. Add more information than what we have gone over in class.
      2. Include images related to the comparisons
  • Include text related to the comparisons
  1. Summarize important events from the Vietnam War that compares to the Iraq War (e.g. Why did the war start?)
  2. Use appropriate presentation skills (e.g. eye contact, good speaking volume).
    1. Use 3 x 5 note cards or utilize the notes section of your presentation software to assist you in your presentation.
    2. Format the notes using ACES!!!!!!!!
  3. Include citations for pictures and information
  1. Everyone must speak and participate during the presentation