Previous physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect: Dewayne reported he does not like people. He said his 16-year-old cousin was killed in 2020 after a gang member shot him when “I was around a corner” from the incident. He noted feeling guilty as he feels “I wish I was there.” He also noted witnessing a “shoot out” about four years ago when he was on his way home.

Symptoms of trauma: Dewayne reported feeling hypervigilant and negative alteration of his mood and cognition along with difficulty controlling his anger. When I asked his aunt, Ms. Moore, about those incidents, she stated “never heard that before, more than likely [a] lie.” She told me Dewayne struggles with telling the truth to others.

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Dewayne reported using marijuana and tobacco products since age eight. He reported

marijuana products make him feel “happy.” He also reported drinking hard liquors.