TOPICS/ELEMENTS THAT WILL BE ASSIGNED 1. Free Speech, Censorship, & Journalism 2. Propaganda, Framing & Public Relations 3. Branding & Advertising 4. Pop Culture & Storytelling in Media 5. Diversity & Stereotyping

Students will be assigned projects organized by countries. Each student
will be assigned a topic/element from the listing below. These
topics/elements correspond to those that we have covered throughout
the course which outlined and defined media.

Each student will then present their assigned topic/element as it plays
out in the media of the specific country that has been assigned. In other
words, each student is assigned a specific country and each student is
also assigned a specific topic/element. For example, you may be
assigned Australian media and individually you were assigned to
journalism/censorship as a topic/element. So, you will be presenting a
project focused on how the topic/element of journalism/censorship plays
out in Australian media.

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TOPICS/ELEMENTS THAT WILL BE ASSIGNED 1. Free Speech, Censorship, & Journalism 2. Propaganda, Framing & Public Relations 3. Branding & Advertising 4. Pop Culture & Storytelling in Media 5. Diversity & Stereotyping
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Each student will create a Web page or PowerPoint presentation
outlining with creative flair the characteristics of the media by assigned
topic/element and country. The projects, submitted individually, should
include each element covered (see below) along with all references used
for the project listed by element (web pages with addresses, articles or
textbooks used, etc.).

Once finished, these projects will be uploaded using the Project
Assignment Link (specific instructions will be emailed to each student
regarding this procedure later on in the semester).
The due dates for the projects will be listed in Module 7.

Therefore, in review; each student presents a distinct element/topic and
how these topics/elements manifest in the media of the country, in
television, movies, newspapers, magazines, etc., or you can present
them all in the same format/medium. The emphasis or focus should be
how topics/elements are manifested in the media of that country. In other
words, information must be directly relevant to media. The list below, are
the elements/topics that we covered in the class and thus are the
topics/elements that will be assigned

1. Free Speech, Censorship, & Journalism
2. Propaganda, Framing & Public Relations
3. Branding & Advertising
4. Pop Culture & Storytelling in Media
5. Diversity & Stereotyping


1. These projects need to be presented in either PowerPoint or Web
Page formats that are PC friendly. I will need all the items included to be
PC friendly as I will be using a PC to open and grade these projects.

2. The specific topic/element assigned to the student should be
presented focusing on how that topic/element is manifested in the
assigned country. Generally, projects should average 15 slides, if it’s a
PowerPoint, or the equivalent if it’s a web site.

3. A reference section (bibliography)