There is also a need to develop theoretical underpinnings for SP/SR. Bennett-Levy et al. invoked Epstein’s distinction between rational and experiential information processing systems as a framework to explain why participants reported SP/SR led to a ‘‘deeper sense of knowing’’ of CT practices than more traditional learning techniques. They suggested that the impact of SP/SR might lie in its strong representation in both systems. The development of a more articulated theoretical framework should lead to greater under- standing of the potential value of SP/SR, and other experiential approaches.
We conclude that SP/SR represents a promising training strategy, with self-reported changes in therapist skill that are consistent with therapist qualities that previous research has demonstrated are associated with good outcomes. There are also good theoretical grounds from adult learning theory to suggest the potential value of SP/SR.
As a training technique, our experience suggests that SP/SR may represent a useful middle path between personal therapy and no experiential work, which is acceptable to institutions, practitioners and students. The purpose and focus of SP/SR is clearly on training. Confidentiality can be maintained, and dual relationships avoided between trainer and participants. Participants need to be provided with adequate safeguards, in case they do experience distre, and alternative options where SP/SR is contraindicated (e.g. concurrent stressful life events). Under these conditions, SP/SR may provide a safe, controlled alternative to personal therapy, which maximizes the benefits of personal experiential work and self-reflection for therapist development, while containing it within the context of training and academic courses.