the prevelace of breast cancer with obesity and diabetis

the prevelace of breast cancer with obesity and diabetis

1- Title is suitable for the problem and represent all the variables.
3- Abstract containing background of the study, objective, materials and methods, and key words.
4- Abstract not exceeding 180 words.
5- Introduction describe all items of the problem.
6- Problem statement: the problem to be solved clearly stated.
7- The aim of the study describing the problem statement.
8- Hypotheses; null hypothesis
9- Significance of the study; describing the importance of the study.
10- Background; related to the problem (use at least 10 references)
11- Research design: identify type of the design
12- Study population; describing all information about the research population
13- Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
14- Sampling method.
15- Research instrument. Describing all aspects of the study in details.
16- Research methods written in details.
17- References: written in APA style, at least 15 articles and 3 websites
18- References: recent not before 2005, from journals (3 well documented online websites references at maximum are allowed to be used).
19- Use of the correct tenses.
20- Use of the write font, size, and punctuation.

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the prevelace of breast cancer with obesity and diabetis
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