The Importance of Neuroscience in Education

In order to effectively differentiate, a teacher must be familiar with how the brain prefers to receive and process information and realize that each students brain is uniquely organized. Research suggests that a teachers knowledge of brain function is instrumental in planning differentiated instruction.

After reading Chapter 1 of our text, please:
Examine the seven basic principles of how we learn starting on page 13 of our text.
Select three of these principles and describe how you might specifically incorporate them into your classroom instruction.
Examine how these approaches will support student learning needs based on brain research.
Be sure to use the text to support your response.
Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

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The Importance of Neuroscience in Education
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Chapter 1: The Non-negotiable of Effective Differentiation

Chapter 2: Mindset, Learning Environment, and Differentiation