The Grey Zone Movie

Write about the movie The Grey Zone and please be critical
Questions that may help to answer in the essay (use it when the writer is out of ideas)
1) Why did Hoffman become violent with the man in the undressing room?
2) Why did the Sonderkommando choose to save the girl who survived the gassing?
3) To what extent were the Sonderkommando collaborators with the Nazis? Or were they they just trying to survive?
4) What was the prisoners’ relationship to Muhsfeldt?
5) How did the Sonderkommando prisoners behave with each other? Were they always civil to one another? Why or why not? Did any of this surprise you?
6) Were you surprised by the amount of food available to these prisoners? Where do you think the food came from? How does this square with what you know about life in the concentration camps (starvation, etc.)?
7) Although shot completely in English, the director used certain language elements to distinguish between Jewish prisoners (from Hungary) speaking Hungarian with each other, and speaking German with the guards. Was this easy to follow?
8) Do you think these Sonderkommando prisoners had any feeling for the Jews who were gassed?
9) How did Muhsfeldt’s portrayal of a German Nazi guard differ from or was similar to, portrayals of German Nazis you’ve seen in other WWII-era films?
10) Was the Jewish resistance toward the end a revelation to you? Were you aware that, although rare, such things did happen in the Holocaust?

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