Ted.com is one of the best educational sites on the Internet, and Ken Robinson?s talk ?Do Schools Kill Creativity??

Paper details:
the source citation at the end of your paper, standard 12 point font, such as Times New Roman, formatted in MLA
style (See Sample Essay w/One Source + Works Cited in the Course Resources Section)
Choose one option from the essay topics folder in the Assignments section.
I. Begin with a captivating sentence, an attention getter
Summarize your chosen source
Lead into your thesis
State your thesis in one clear, concise sentence.
II. Develop first supporting point from your thesis in addition to your details, incorporate a small quote or
paraphrase from your source.
III. Transition to second supporting point from your thesis in addition to your details, incorporate a small quote or
paraphrase from your source.
IV. Transition to third supporting point from your thesis in addition to your details, incorporate a small quote or
paraphrase from your source.
V. Conclude your essay reinforce your thesis and supporting points and end on a note of interest.
Don’t forget to include your Works Cited.
To Submit This Assignment Click On The Underlined Essay w/One Source + Works Cited; To Locate Your
Assignment, Click “Browse My Computer.” Next, Upload Assignment as an rtf. Attachment by Clicking “Open.”
Finally, Click “Submit.”

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Ted.com is one of the best educational sites on the Internet, and Ken Robinson?s talk ?Do Schools Kill Creativity??
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