taft university MGT605 lesson 3 assignment

AssignmentsThe following Assignments should be completed and submitted to the course faculty via the learning platform for evaluation and grading. Submit your responses to these questions in one WORD document. List the question first, and then your response.Be sure to properly site your sources, both in-text and with a reference list at the conclusion. If you use an online source to support your answers, you must provide a properly formatted link to the source. You should use APA citation format and make sure your sources are credible.In most cases, your responses should be no more than 500 words.1. Kirkpatrick and Locke (1991) in an earlier reading provided us with insight into the role of personal traits and their contribution to the emergence of a leader. Discuss how people possessing the “right stuff” tend to surface as leaders. In similar fashion, what clues to the emergence of leaders are provided by the writings of Murphy (1941) and Smircich and Morgan (1982)?2. Hollander introduces us to the concept idiosyncrasy credits. What does the concept mean? Explain how a member of a group might accumulate idiosyncracy credits? .3. What role do these credits play in the emergence of a leader?4. Leadership, according to Murphy (1941), and Smircich and Morgan (1982), has been portrayed as an interpersonal process that involves the exercise of influence. Leaders, for example, frame reality, provide direction, initiate structure, facilitate, induce compliance, provide support, remove barriers, and control the behavior of others. What are power and influence?5. How do leaders influence others? What are their sources of power?6. What is legitimate power?7. Why might it be important for us to be concerned about the different forms of power employed by leaders?8. What was the primary objective of Podsakoff and Todor’s research?9. The expectations regarding the relationship between leader reward and punishment behaviors and group cohesiveness, drive, and productivity are based on what two basic assumptions?10. Why is understanding the relationship between leaders and groups important?

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