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Forces of Labor: Workers’ Movements and Globalization Since 1870 by Beverly Silver

Address the topic from the outset of your Book Review

Achieve an effective balance between: 1) surveying or describing the books structure, aims and scope; 2) rehearsing the specifics of the authors argument; 3) forwarding your own critical opinion and critical reflection on the book; and, 4) providing your own final appraisal of the extent to which the book succeeds in doing what it sets out to do

Advance your critical opinions about the book in as systematic and clear a way as possible by making your claims about the issues it raises and the strategists it discusses (e.g. those acting within firms, governments, states, NGOs or individuals) really specific – at every stage of your review, be explicit to whom or what you are referring!

Always provide evidence in support of your claims (e.g. examples, quotations and/or paraphrased ideas from your primary text and from the secondary sources you have consulted) – remembering to cite these correctly in your footnotes and bibliography!

Avoid using inappropriate sources. Avoid using inappropriate sources. You should not use online sources unless they come from an unimpeachable source.

Avoid simplistic value judgements (e.g. I liked it, I didnt get it, it was too hard). Re-read difficult passages until you do understand them, and, coming from a informed position – that is, from a position based on your having read around the books topic – assess the effectiveness with which your chosen book advances its claims fairly and precisely

Exploit the conventions of review writing, creating a strong angle or through-line for your critical-theoretical analysis

Incorporate all the essential information about the book (authors name, publication title and date, brief description of what the book sets out to do, brief outline of the books historical and/geographical scope, succinct description of the structure of the books chapters)

Provide a vivid sense of the book, capturing and commenting on its driving ideas, particular strengths and tone

Make a convincing value judgement about the book – i.e. one that is informed by your diligent academic reading around the subject

Utilise critical ideas from relevant secondary sources or from the authors previous work/s in forming your own critical opinions

Create a nicely-structured, clear and persuasive piece of academic review-writing