SPLUNK” “Contextual Computing”

The Company is “SPLUNK” and the research topic is “Contextual Computing”
and the PPT is to be on the Research topic.

Guidelines for Assignments (these two assignments are not related to one another.
They must be researched independently)

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SPLUNK” “Contextual Computing”
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Companies l
1) Length (about 10 pages) including everything

2) Point size 11 Ariel. double-spaced

3) Six sources. 2 must be from outside of the company website
4) Cover page that includes the name of your company. the name of the course (MS 300).
end your name as appears in the class roster and your student ID

5) Table of contents page. The table of contents must include all the headings (subtitles)
that are covered in your paper- These subtitles must also appear in the paper itself, Make
sure that the subtitles match with what you have in the table of contents.
6) Page number bottom center

7) Ethnography page (at the end of the paper)
8) Date of access for website sources
9) l! your company is a technology company such as Microsoft, then you should cover a
one! hlstory. 4-6 products and or services. and specific competitions for each product or
service If your company Is not a technology company such as Wal-Mart. men you should
cover a briel history. the roles and applications of information systems in that company (so