Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene It’s important to get enough sleep. Sleep supports mind and body health. Getting enough sleep isn’t only about total hours of sleep. It’s also important to get good quality sleep on a regular schedule to feel rested upon waking. Sleep is an important part of life! Young children spend around half of their time asleep.16

 Babies need to sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day (including naps).

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 Toddlers need to sleep between 11 and 14 hours a day (including naps).

 Preschoolers need to sleep between 10 and 13 hours a day (including naps).

 School-aged children need 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night.17 We know how busy they are when they are awake, but what are they doing during all of those restful hours? Actually, sleep has many purposes.

 Growth: Growth hormone is released when children sleep. Young children are growing in their sleep, and since they have a lot of growing to do, they need all the sleep they can get.

 Restoration: Some sleep researchers have found that sleep is important for letting the brain relax and restore some of the hormones and nutrients it needs.

 Memory: Sleep is also a time when the brain is figuring out what experiences from the day are important to remember.

 Health: One study found that infants and toddlers need at least 12 hours of sleep in a 24 hour day. When infants and toddlers had less than 12 hours they were more likely to be obese by the age of 3.