Rescreening Programs

Rescreening Programs that perform vision screenings will need to determine when to rescreen children who do not pass. Some children may be unable to pay attention, cooperate or understand what they need to do during the first attempt at screening. This is especially true for visual acuity testing. These children may not have “failed” their vision screening. They may be considered “untestable.”


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Rescreening Programs
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Research shows that preschool children who are “untestable” are almost twice as likely to have a vision problem as those who successfully pass a screening. They should be rescreened as soon as possible, but not longer than 6 months later. If a child fails or is untestable at the second attempt, consider referring the child for a full eye examination.

Ongoing Care It is important to remember that screening only provides a vision assessment at one moment in time. Occasionally a family member or teacher will identify a new or different vision concern after a child has been previously screened. In addition, as children grow their eyes change and new signs of an eye problem or blurred vision can arise as they mature. Programs should address this new concern with the parent and the health care provider promptly.