Reasons Why Imagery is Powerful

Imagery is powerful because it creates images on the readers mind providing them with vivid details. Mental image allows a person to remember the particular information they have created in their mind for a very long time thus it enhances the ability of a person to recall things vividly. Creation of mental images allows the author to communicate their messages to the reader explicitly thus achieving their goals of enhancing the readers understanding on a particular subject (Graham 136).

The use of imagery allows authors or story tellers to tell their stories quickly. Moreover, the visual content enables story tellers to communicate their stories with the impact and emotions thus evoking the senses of people. Ignition of senses can impact on the emotion of a person. Emotional reactions facilitate deeper engagement of a person in the events of the story that might impact on their change of behavior (Müller-Engelmann, Meike & Regina Steil 44-50).

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Reasons Why Imagery is Powerful
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Additionally, imagery is powerful because it enables people to do anything with their imagination. It has the ability to spark all the five senses collectively, which includes taste, sound, touch, sight and smell thus allowing the imaginations to………