Proposing a solution

Instructions: Application/Accomplishment Assignment: Proposing a Solution THIS WEEK: Your assignment from page 330 reads: Write an essay proposing a solution to a problem. Choose a problem faced by a community or group to which you belong, and address your proposal to one or more members of the group or to outsiders who might help solve the problem. The required word count is between 1800 and 2000 words. The format is MLA with Calibri 11 font. Using the Guide to Writing through the process will undoubtedly help learners to produce a stronger essay. You may choose any topic which allows for thorough exploration and has definite solutions that would benefit everyone involved. This will be are researched essay, with no limit the amount of sources used; however, the essay must include at least four scholarly sources. Your understanding of scholarly sources, should come from these links which learners should have already reviewed the topic of scholarly journals and evaluating sources on the BC Easley Library site under research guides. Part four in the St. Martin’s Guide to Writing text contains several chapters on performing research. You might want to glance over some of the section. Caveat: If you choose to use a website other than those that meet the previous criteria, it would be a good idea to submit it to me for approval. Create a rough draft of an essay in which you propose a solution. Refer to the Rough Draft Rubric to determine what is expected in this draft. Do not assume when I use the term rough draft, it is acceptable to submit anything less than a full draft. Less than full drafts will not be graded above a D. A full draft will assure that learners will benefit from the peer review portion of the writing process. From the last unit, you should have watched the video from You Tube and played the Prezi under the watch section of this unit. With this essay, we will be using Peer Review as a means to help everyone received feedback and help for bettering your essay. Rough draft of this essay will be due on Sunday night at 11:55 and a copy of your rough draft should go to your peers. Please see the Peer Reviewer Assignments list, which will be posted by Saturday, to see which two learners to send your essay. It is essential to the process that you submit your rough draft essays on time. Each of you should have two rough drafts to comment on using the Peer Review Rubric as your guide. You will also be graded on your peer reviews using the Peer Review Rubric. Those who do not submit full drafts will be robbing the reviewers of a thorough experience in this part of the writing process. Text Book is the St. Martins Guide to writing 10th edition, and A Writers reference 7th edition

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