Proactive Approach

Strategies for heading off misbehavior before it happens demonstrates  educators’ positive regard for students. Techniques  like collaborating with students to develop class rules, agreements, or  norms can pave the way for future proactive strategies and reflection.  When these guidelines are developed with students and become a daily  point of dialogue and reflection, it helps to cultivate a safe and  predictable environment. The values of the classroom culture become  visible and important. Consensus is built around the way the class  community wants to experience their interactions with each other. The  teacher uses tools and techniques for guiding positive interactions and  cultivating mutual support among members of the class community.

Responsive Approach

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Proactive Approach
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Responding to misbehavior is a necessary aspect of any classroom  setting. People are imperfect and behave poorly at times. Rather than  ignoring or punishing negative behavior, a responsive approach lets  students know an educator:

  • notices their silence, tone of voice, chronic tapping, pacing, anger, disruption, etc.
  • cares enough to guide them back to effective behavior.
  • supports their reflection and reparation.