Candace is a 20-year-old college student living at home with her parents. She is in nursing school and a personal trainer at her local gym. She is a weight lifter and exercise enthusiast. During a girls’ night out, Candace and three of her friends were in a motor vehicle collision (MVC). Candace was the restrained driver. During the scene of the accident, it was determined that Candace required specialized medical care, and she was emergently flown to the nearest trauma hospital, 2 hours from her home and the scene of the accident. At the hospital, physicians determined Candace’s injuries resulted in a T5 complete SCI.
Candace’s parents work full time to support their family and remain at her side during her entire acute stay and alternate time staying overnight during her inpatient rehabilitation stay.
During her 4 weeks on the inpatient rehabilitation unit, she works with OT and PT 3 hours or more per day to relearn all aspects of her daily living in preparation for discharge back home.