Michael Porter argues that a firm seeking competitive advantage must choose the type advantage that it seeks. Discuss the merit of this argument using examples of your choice.

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Michael Porter argues that a firm seeking competitive advantage must choose the type advantage that it seeks. Discuss the merit of this argument using examples of your choice.
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Michael Porter argues that a firm seeking competitive advantage must choose the type advantage that it seeks. Discuss the merit of this argument using examples of your choice.


Can you use these readings and the power point I sent you please

Most important: can you try to use simple English to do this essay please (Easy to understand)



Classic original statement:

Porter M. E. (1985) Competitive Advantage, especially chap.1 pp.1-30 on the five

forces and generic strategies. Reprinted in DeWitt and Meyer, Strategy Process,

Content, Context, pp.344-358 with a useful preceding introduction and other


Johnson G. and Scholes K. (1999) Exploring Corporate Strategy (5th edition) chap 3

onanalyzing the environment, pp. 97-141. Especially pp.115-141 (straightforward

textbook account of positioning)

Porter, M. (1999) ‘How Competition Forces Shape Strategy’ in H.Mintzberg, J.Quinn and

S.Ghoshal (eds.) The Strategy Process, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, pp.60-69.