Mental health of individuals after a disaster

Annotated Bibliography- APA Model from APUS Citation Guide (APA) Journal Article Online with DOI (and multiple authors) Format: 1′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 2′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 3′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), page range. doi Sirey, J., Berman, J., Halkett, A., Giunta, N., Kerrigan, J., Raeifar, E., . . . Raue, P. (2017). Storm Impact and Depression Among Older Adults Living in Hurricane Sandy–Affected Areas. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 11(1), 97-109. doi:10.1017/dmp.2016.189 The authors that contributed to this article have backgrounds in, psychiatry, social work, counseling, community engagement, and emergency response. The research presented in this article used specific assessment tools to compare the difference in depression symptoms among the Hurricane Sandy survivors and general public. The limitations of this study are that they only looked at individuals who were older than 60 years old. I would like to use the information in this article because they used specific mental health assessment tools to obtain their data. The article also supports my thesis regarding depression and PTSD being the most common psychological symptoms that individuals experience after living through a disaster. The authors also give reasons and solutions to support the need for mental health treatment to individuals after experiencing disaster. Model from APUS Citation Guide (APA) Journal Article Online with DOI (and multiple authors) Format: 1′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 2′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 3′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), page range. doi Rosenberg, L., & Ligenza, L. (2015). The deepwater horizon oil spill and ongoing mental health impact. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research,42(1), 1-2. doi: Both contributing authors are mental health therapist that also conduct and contribute research for, ”The National Council for Behavioral Health” located in Washington DC. This is an article that reports how a technological disaster impacts the survivivors. The article goes into the area of grief that is experienced due to loss of life, friends, jobs, and overall well being. I will use the information the article reports regarding a successful team approach of doctors, psychologists, social workers, and care managers in the ongoing mental health issues of this group of people. This group of individuals receives ongoing care that is funded by a lawsuit as a result of the deepwater horizon oil spill. The ongoing care has produced positive outcomes with results of lower symptoms in the area of depression, generalized anxiety, and PTSD. Model from APUS Citation Guide (APA) Journal Article Online with DOI (and multiple authors) Format: 1′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 2′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 3′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), page range. Doi Ghuman, S. J., Brackbill, R. M., Stellman, S. D., Farfel, M. R., & Cone, J. E. (2014). Unmet mental health care need 10-11 years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks: 2011-2012 results from the world trade center health registry. BMC Public Health, 14, 491. doi: Multiple authors with mental health and emergency management backgrounds contributed to this article. The results of this study, completed 10 years after 9/11, shows that individuals that lived through 9/11 terrorist attacks had unmet psychological needs within two years of the attack. The study attributed these unmet needs to the fact that individuals appear to be unable to ask for help and if they did reach out for assistance the financial burden was too much. They used diagnostic checklist and questionnaires to compile their data which showed that 10 years later these individuals continue to have a poor quality of life relating to unmet psychological needs. This data is important to my paper because it shows the long term impact after a disaster remains negatively significant when proper interventions are not carried through. Journal Article Online with DOI (and multiple authors) Format: 1′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 2′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials, Author 3′s Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), page range. Doi Math, S., Nirmala, M., Moirangthem, S., & Kumar, N. (2015). Disaster management: Mental health perspective. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 37(3), 261-271. doi: The authors in this article are reputable and when a search is completed of their names they are associated with mental health and disaster management. This article is important to my paper because it directly outlines the preventative areas that communities and disaster managers can accomplish before disasters occur. The common mental health issues that individuals have after a disaster are addressed. The article goes into aspects of how to help individuals after a disaster by what they called “psychological first aid”, it also went into how behavioral interventions, and medications might need to be used. I want to use this article to tie in the philosophy of emergency management with mental health considerations when it comes to preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery. Website with Author Format: Author Last Name, First (and Middle) Initials. (Date). Title of document [Format desсrіption]. Retrieved from URL Landau, E. (2012, July 24). Surviving with the guilt of living. Retrieved from CNN: This article is not peer reviewed and from the online news source for CNN. This article is one of many that can be found that describes the agony and turmoil individuals deal with as a survivor of a disaster. The symptoms of survivors guilt comes in many forms such as depression, guilt of being alive, anxiety, financial instability, and grieving. I want to use articles like this one to bring the perspective of how much life changes for survivors of disasters. This article can also tie together the importance of getting the mental health help to individuals before they fall deeper into despair and self medicate with harmful substances.

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