Marketing Recommendation Report

Paper details:write a recommendation report based on the academic research paper attached to this order.

Basically we were working with the NEW THEATRE ROYAL (NTR) on re-branding creative learning department. The creative learning department hold classes/activities : Youth Theatre – NTR Dancers – NTR Players – Creative Writing – Masterclasses – Talks & Tours (including Behind the Curtain Tours).

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Marketing Recommendation Report
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From the academic research, ONLY recommendations are asked for this paper. Some papers contain their own recommendations, which you can paraphrase; like HRM recommendations.

The business enterprise statistic attachment contains information of previous surveys that the NTR conducted on their tours. Based on the statistics you could recommend the best ways ONLY to re-brand or market creative learning department. This can also include your “writer” creative ways you have in mind.


Social Media and Audience Targeting attachment contains informations of why social media is important for marketing and how to communicate with the audience through different ways to attract customers. Based on the different classes, I need you to recommend different viral ways to communicate with the audience without spending any money. Example, Snapchat, Youtube, Vine…. There is another survey conducted by Jeseph, which is recent – You need to also create recommendations based on what is found on that attachment.
This is a Theatre and should be creative when it comes in acts and showing the world their talent. This like is an example of ways / Add recommendations from your perspective


The Human Resource report contains the structure and issues with NTR individuals that are working on re-branding creative learning (Bernie / Nicola) There are some recommendation at the bottom page of this document, but I would like more emphasis on recommendations toward volunteers, especially the beneficial out comes. Also consider mentioning the NTR geographic location and its surroundings that will help generate volunteers. Portsmouth University is a potential source of volunteers. Suggestions on ways to target university volunteers will be great for this paper. Also mention the reasons why its better for creative learning department and other departments like marketing department briefly and financial department briefly. From your “writer” perspective add some recommendations that will help.

The disadvantages in this section can be mentioned only if you have a counter solution.
Optional paragraph

Beside of the academic research as a final paragraph, you can include some creative new ways or viral ways of marketing for a long-term. This can be costly, but it has to be strategically thought through.

This paper is ONLY recommendations based on the academic attachment and statistic + Your recommendations and suggestions based on your thoughts

Use at least 2 references under each topic to link it back to a theory, which is strong. You can use the same references if required and links back to the recommendation. Only use few theories to link and most is recommendations