Even when you are the designated chair of a meeting, you should attempt to interact with others in a
positive and professional manner. This will help to prevent a barrier being created where participants
do not feel fully comfortable with contributing their thoughts.
Positive and professional interactions may include:
➢ Greeting everyone upon the start of a conversation
➢ Using the name of attendees when known
➢ Acting fairly by treating all participants with the
same level of respect
➢ Complementing employees on their work and
contributions when appropriate
➢ Providing constructive criticism when needed
rather than becoming insulting or angered
➢ Being honest with employees
➢ Note taking can demonstrate professionalism as it shows you are taking the points
being made seriously and you are more likely to respond to any issues being raised
➢ Speaking with language that is appropriate to the recipient, for example refraining from
using specialist terminology that may not be understood
➢ Using eye-contact appropriately.