In what ways did Enlightenment discourses about childhood distinguish children as a separate species from adults? Can evidence for this separation be found in the spatiality of contemporary childhood institutions?

Blundell, D., (2016), Rethinking Children’s Spaces and Places: attitudes in contemporary society, London: Bloomsbury: chapter 3, 4, 5, 6
These chapters will help you for the assignment

Burr, V., (2002), Social Constructionism, London: Routledge; especially pp.61-80 ‘What is Discourse?’

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In what ways did Enlightenment discourses about childhood distinguish children as a separate species from adults? Can evidence for this separation be found in the spatiality of contemporary childhood institutions?
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Mills, J. and Mills, R., (2000), Childhood Studies: a reader in perspectives of childhood, London: Routledge; see pp.7-38 Chapter 1: Richard Mills ‘Perspectives of Childhood’
James, A. and Prout, A, (eds.)(1997) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood, London: Routledge