Imagine what would happen if, starting tomorrow, all motorized vehicles were banned in the United States.

Write a paper exploring this issue. Here are some of the questions you may answer:

How would the elimination of the automobile affect social, cultural, and economic arrangements in American society
What adjustments would Americans have to make to effectively function in an automobile-free society
If forced, could Americans make such adjustments
What would you personally have to give up and/or change about your lifestyle to live in an automobile-free society
If you had to, could you make such adjustments
Finally, in which ways, if any, do think that American society and/or you would be better off without the automobile
In which ways, would society and/or you be worse offPaper format:
4 to 6 pages of narrative.
You must include at least 4 references and 4 citations.
Use APA to format your references, citations, and layout of your paper.
You can include charts, figures, etc.
Cover page with title, course, your name.
1″ margins.
Be sure to check your spelling and grammar.
Failure to have citations and references will result in a “0” for your paper.

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Imagine what would happen if, starting tomorrow, all motorized vehicles were banned in the United States.
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