Human Resource Management strategies

Paper details:
Choose any organisation of your choice, i.e. any MNC or SME operating in any country. Write a report on what and how human resources strategies can be implemented in the chosen organisation in order to create a high performance work system.
The learning outcomes accessed are (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) as presented on page 8 of this study guide.
Choose only, any THREE (3) of the strategic human resource management practices from below. Critically examine, discuss and formulate, how these 3 chosen practices can be implemented in the chosen organisation so that it can add economic value to the organisation based on human capital and create a high performance work system.
???C. General Layout of Written Assignment

  1. 1st page: UCD assignment submission form, 2nd page: Student’s cover page with declaration & indication of word count. 3rd page: Table of Contents followed by body of assignment. Assignment should be in report format with headings and sub-headings.
  2. Type written with Times New Roman or Arial font size:12. 1.5 or 2x line spacing. Single or double side printing. Reference list on last page.

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Human Resource Management strategies
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