“Report 2 COVID-19 Topic” How Covid has affected the mental health of human beings?
Report 2 will be at least 1500 words, 12-point font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced. In case you are wondering, that is about six pages. For Report 2, the overarching theme will be COVID-19. As you know COVID-19 is a very large and complex issue. What you are tasked with is to select one topic related to COVID-19 and write about that topic.
“Report 2 COVID-19 Topic” how Covid has affected the mental health of human beings ? would be consider one age group, socioeconomic factors, country.
APA 7th edition in-text citations and end of text references are REQUIRED. I am NOT requiring a title page or abstract.
The document will have an Introduction; answer the following five questions, and a summary/conclusion section. End of text references will not be counted in the word count.
- Describe the situation presented; provide background information related to the topic. Including basic issue(s) and the relationship among them.
- Develop a detailed chronology of events- both major events and those that seem, on first reading, relatively minor.
- Identify the relevant stakeholders and describe each stakeholder’s problem, goals, demands, and concerns.
- Describe the immediate outcome of this case.
- Describe the long-term impact/outcome of this case.
Report 2 Grading Rubric
APA 7th edition In-text citations and end of text references: 10 Points
Question 1: 10 Points
Question 2: 10 Points
Question 3: 10 Points
Question 4: 5 Points
Question 5: 5 Points
Introduction/Conclusion: 5 Points
Word Count/Formatting: 5 Points