History: Argument Thesis Claim

Now, that you have a graded Annotated Bibliography, you need to really scour these sources in order to develop an final Argument Essay for the final paper. That means you must develop an “argument thesis claim”. This thesis claim should be ONE clear and concise sentence which explains to the reader exactly what the argument is in your paper. This argument thesis claim will need to appear somewhere in your “Introductory” paragraphs of the final paper. For this paper I want the thesis claim to be in a certain format; therefore I am giving you a couple of templates to use. Pick one of the three templates below and develop your thesis argument by completing the blank part: 1. This essay makes the argument that _____________________________________________________. 2. Based on the evidence examined for this research project, this researcher argues that ________________________________. 3. This essay encourages the reader to consider the argument that ______________________________________. Remember that an argument claim is not a statement of fact a statement of superficial feelings. Your argument thesis should be based on your examination of your sources. Someone else can have a counter-argument to the one you are positing. That is fine. I do not have to agree with your argument, but you must be able to logically provide justification for it (which I can follow).

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History: Argument Thesis Claim
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