Health coverage, frequencies. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual telephone survey designed to identify risk factors in the adult population and report emerging health trends. The following table summarizes two variables for the respondents: health status and health coverage, which describes whether each respondent had health insurance.64
Health Status Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Total
Health No 459 727 854 385 99 2,524 Coverage Yes 4,198 6,245 4,821 1,634 578 17,476
Total 4,657 6,972 5,675 2,019 677 20,000
(a) If we draw one individual at random, what is the probability that the respondent has excellent health and doesn’t have health coverage?
(b) If we draw one individual at random, what is the probability that the respondent has excellent health or doesn’t have health coverage?