Health Care Issues That Exists In The Country/Community

Health Care Issues That Exists In The Country/Community

The paper is to be approximately six pages in length excluding the title page and the references page. The chosen issue is to be compared to a similar issue in the United States. Use the following questions to focus the pape

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Health Care Issues That Exists In The Country/Community
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1.Discuss the health issue in the chosen country/community.

•What is it?

•Who is impacted?

•Why is the health issue important?

•What are the consequences of not addressing the health issue?

•Identify the two or three social determinants of health that have the most impact on the chosen health issue. Explain the influence.

2.Is the same health issue present in the United States?

•Who does the health issue impact in the U.S.?

•Is it as big of a problem in the U.S.?

•What is similar, and what is different about the health issue in the two countries?

•Identify the two or three social determinants of health that have an impact on the chosen health issue in the U.S. Explain the influence .

•If the health issue does not exist in the U.S.,explain the reasons for this being so.

3.Identify an intervention (or interventions) that would address the identified health issue. There is no specified number of interventions required, but if education is chosen as an intervention it cannot be the only intervention.

•Would the proposed interventions differ between the chosen country and the U.S.?

•Identify the connection between the social determinants of health, the health issue, and the interventions.

•Persuade the audience that the identified intervention(s) would be useful in addressing the chosen health issue.

•Again, education CANNOT be the only intervention but can be used in combination with another intervention.

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