Gorilla Pimps

Violent traffickers who gain control over victims via threats and acts of violence are frequently known as “gorilla pimps” or “gorilla traffickers.” It is important to note that many gorilla traffickers do not reveal their violent tendencies when they initiate contact with potential victims. More frequently, they initially attempt to recruit victims using a Romeo or finesse method. But when that fails, or when victims are no longer beguiled by those lies, traffickers sometimes show that they are truly violent criminals willing to inflict bodily harm with little provocation. Many trafficking victims have suffered substantial injuries at the hands of gorilla traffickers. There are no accurate records as to how many of these beatings have resulted in death. Some traffickers even brag that they are “gorilla pimps,” as a means of gaining status and to instill fear in victims. From a sex trafficker’s perspective, this brutality and having a reputation of being a gorilla trafficker effectively communicates to other victims: “Obey or you’ll be beaten.” Indeed, traffickers are known to batter victims in front of other trafficking victims to demonstrate their power and to engender fear in other victims. Gorilla traffickers understand the value of beatings and the fact that a little violence goes a long way toward inducing compliance.

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