For your first pre-writing assignment you are to identify 3 symbols from any of the works discussed in class (″Salvation″, ″Young Goodman Brown″, ″The Last Question″) and the focus of your essay should be explaining what each of these symbols represents and explaning how each symbol helps to better understand the work.

For your first pre-writing assignment you are to identify 3 symbols from any of the works discussed in class (″Salvation″, ″Young Goodman Brown″, ″The Last Question″) and the focus of your essay should be explaining what each of these symbols represents and explaning how each symbol helps to better understand the work.

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For your first pre-writing assignment you are to identify 3 symbols from any of the works discussed in class (″Salvation″, ″Young Goodman Brown″, ″The Last Question″) and the focus of your essay should be explaining what each of these symbols represents and explaning how each symbol helps to better understand the work.
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