Eye Conditions

AM is a 22-year-old man presenting to the local emergency department (ED) with acute onset

of right eye pain. The pain started 6 hours prior and has not improved with artificial tears or oral

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Eye Conditions
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acetaminophen. He reports the possibility of accidentally “scratching his right eye” when trying

to remove his contact lens.

Past Medical History

• Wears soft contact lenses, replaces monthly

• Denies swimming or showering in contacts

• Occasionally sleeps in contacts

Physical Examination

• Visual acuity: right eye, 20/40; left eye, 20/20

• Right eye is diffusely injected, small pinpoint area of haze is noted in the periphery at 6 o’clock; region subsequently stains with fluorescein

Discussion Questions

1. What is the appropriate pharmacologic treatment for AM?

2. What is the appropriate follow up for AM?

3. How should AM be counseled regarding his contact lens