European Trade Imperative The concept of the alphabet came to the Greeks via trade with the Phoenicians. During the time of Alexander the Great, transcontinental trade was extended into Afghanistan and India. With the rise of the Roman Empire, global trade routes stretched from the Middle East through central Europe, through Gaul, and across the English Channel. In 1215, King John of England signed the Magna Carta, which stressed the importance of cross-border trade. By the time of Marco Polo’s writing of The Description of the World at the end of the 13th century, the Silk Road from China to the city-states of Italy was a well-traveled commercial highway. His tales, chronicled journeys with his merchant uncles, gave Europeans a taste for the exotic, further stimulating the consumer appetite that propelled trade and globalization. Around 1340, Francisco Balducci Pegolotti, a Florentine mercantile agent, authored Practica Della Mercatura (Practice of Marketing), the first widely distributed reference on international business and a precursor to today’s textbooks. The search for trading routes contributed to the Age of Discovery and encouraged Christopher Columbus to sail west in 1492.
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