Ethical issues in healthcare
Gender selection in human embryos/Stem cell transplants/Foregoing curative medical treatment due to religious beliefs/Futility of care/Abortion after six months–content-Select one of the following ethical issues in healthcare from the following choices: Gender selection in human embryosStem cell transplantsForegoing curative medical treatment due to religious beliefsFutility of careAbortion after six monthsIf no topic listed here is of interest to you, contact your instructor for permission to consider a different topic. Use the CSU Global Library and select Internet sources to conduct research on your chosen topic. Based on your research, provide the history of the issue from a legal, ethical, and moral perspective. In your presentation address the following questions:Do the consequences of actions always direct what is morally required?What should happen when two principles come into conflict? For example, should patient autonomy be considered more important than beneficence? Defend your position.Are moral and ethically rules always binding, or are they only guidelines to be assessed in each case? Defend your position.Your PowerPoint presentation should meet the following requirements:Be twelve to fifteen slides in length, not including the cover or reference slidesBe formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of eight scholarly references – four of these references must be from outside sources and four may be from course readings, lectures, and textbooks. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.Include detailed speaker’s notes throughout the presentationUtilize headings to organize the content in your workBe submitted as a PowerPoint file. Do not submit presentation as a .pdf file.