When describing their programs, the after-school directors at schools in the enrichment category emphasized two characteristics: maintaining continu- ity with the values and lessons their students are taught during the school day and ensuring children have many activities from which to choose, includ- ing outdoor games, computer lab time, art projects, cooking, gardening, sew- ing, building, and study hall. Directors of enrichment-based programs also extolled the quality and dedication of their staffs and underscored the amount of time and effort they invest in training their employees.
At one noteworthy enrichment- based program, a lower school teacher is invited once a month to speak at an after-school staff meeting about either a particular area of expertise or about the work he or she is doing with students. According to the director, “Through our regular interactions with school-day teachers, we have been able to build a stronger bridge with the faculty and are better equipped to enhance the work they are doing.” Another enrichment- based program director commented, “We changed our name from after- school to co-curricular programs when we changed our mission from simply babysitting to providing a wide range of programs designed to make strong connections to the school day.”
Generally, the costs associated with enrichment-based programs are relatively high and the revenues are relatively low. Most break even.