1. If you are a game-player, describe the game(s) you are familiar with and play most frequently. If you are not a gamer, describe one or more games you’ve watched others play regularly. Either way, what sorts of habits or excellences are required in order to play these games successfully? That is, what sorts of skills and abilities do they require and foster?
2. Given the habits, skills, etc., that you identify above, can you use one or more of the ethical frameworks we have explored to develop arguments for the playing of such games? For example, you might argue from a utilitarian framework that playing the game leads to a clear set of benefits (e.g., relaxation, harmless pleasure, improvement of certain skills, etc.) at a modest-to-negligible cost (e.g., the cost of the game and required equipment, one’s time, etc.). Similarly, can you use one or more of the ethical frameworks we have explored to develop arguments against the playing of such games?
3. Once you’ve established – individually and/or as a group or class – a set of arguments pro and con, how do you respond to the debate here? That is, can you develop additional arguments, evidence, reasons, etc., that would incline the debate toward one side or another?
4. In the face of these diverse responses and perspectives on the ethical dimensions of computer games, how do you respond?
In particular, do you respond to these contrasting claims and perspectives as:
an ethical relativist
an ethical absolutist
and/or an ethical pluralist?
Explain and, more importantly, justify your response. That is, what additional reasons, evidence, grounds, etc., can you give in support of your meta-theoretical response to the first-level debates regarding computer games?