Dimensions of Leadership

Week 7B-Team Leadership 11-26 to 12-2
1. Required Readings: Northouse, Chapter 14

2. Discussion 7B: Team Leadership
What are some of the reasons that work teams have become more prevalent in today’s organizations? How do they provide a competitive advantage?
Your discussion should be minimum of 250 words.. List at least 1 reference from your book or another source.

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Dimensions of Leadership
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4. Assignment 7B

Case Study 14.3 “Starts with a Bang, Ends with a Whimper” (Northhouse) Answer the following and summarize in 1 page paper:
1. How would you assess the effectiveness of this team?
2. In monitoring this team, at what level and function do you see the most serious problems? Internal task? Internal relational? External?
3. Would you take action to improve team functioning? If so, how would you intervene? Why?
4. What specific leadership skill or skills would you use to improve team functioning?
minimum of 250 words.List at least 1 reference from your book or another source