Reflective Case study in Diabetic Ketoacidosis related to poorly managed diabetes insipidus
• Present a brief patient overview: This could be demonstrated by documenting a case study for a patient you have cared for in the acute care ward environment (if you are unable to use a case study choose a topic to research and critically analyse using a more general approach).
• Using evidence based practice concepts – discuss the patient’s presenting condition.
• Provide an overview of the presenting condition i.e. the aetiology and pathophysiology of the condition or disorder.
• Identify and discuss the latest treatment modalities (interventions) for this condition / disorder, including any legal and ethical issues that may arise related to these interventions/modalities.
• Include in your discussion the assessment and ongoing management of this patient, focusing on the acute care practitioner’s role in caring for and managing this patient.
• Provide clear referenced rationales for all interventions included. You must support your arguments with appropriate reference to latest evidence-based practices and current professional and research literature.
• Your case study needs to clearly demonstrate an evaluative approach to practice. You may wish to integrate this into your case study or you may prefer to reflect at the end of your paper. Your analysis should however clearly demonstrate that you have critiqued clinical and professional practice and development.
• Consider both the negative and positive aspects of your care and what aspects you would change for future practice. You may wish to think about the use of a reflective framework to help to develop your evaluative skills.
All assignments are to be submitted electronically through Turnitin. The assignment should be 2000 words in length. Assignment coversheet needs to be included in your assignment as a first page (without this your assignment will not be accepted). Marking, moderation and student feedback will be provided electronically based on the below marking criteria, which is in accordance with University assessment policy.
Due Date:
Submission via Turnitin within the course Learning@Griffith site by week 12, 5pm; 19th Oct 2015.
You will be assessed on the following:
– Appropriate assignment structure
– Academic writing and referencing
– Critical evaluation
– Presentation of literature to support ideas
For a more in-depth criteria, look at the below marking criteria.
Other elements:
• Use APA 6th edition for the reference list;
• Ensure that your references have been published within the last 5 years unless specific seminal references;
• Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your essay;
• Always refer to the marking criteria, this will assist you in calculating the length of sections in your essay.
• Use the Assignment Coversheet with complete declaration and word count (excl reference list) to the first page of your essay.
Marking Criteria
Content Possible mark Mark achieved Brief comments
• Has opening sentence to contextualise aim of the essay.
• Clearly identifies the aim of the essay. 5
• Presentation of case study 15
• Provide an overview of the presenting condition.
• Identify and discuss the latest treatment modalities (interventions) for this condition / disorder.
• Include in your discussion the assessment and ongoing management of this patient, focusing on the acute care practitioner’s role in caring for and managing this patient. 30
• Reflection on clinical and professional practice. 20
Logical comparison of key points throughout the essay and supporting evidence throughout
• Summarises the key points outlined in the essay 5
Written expression
• Consistent and accurate use of:
Spelling, Grammar, Sentence structure, Paragraphing, Academic language 10
• Correct word count (2000 ± 10%)
• Inclusion of an assignment cover page.
• Footer: student number, page numbers
• 1.5 line spacing.
• A separate page for references. 5
Use of literature
• Recent and appropriate evidence reviewed
• Referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition. 10
Total Mark 100
Weighting for essay 60%
And reference shpuld be 5 years recent