Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria and list the number of the piece(s) of evidence supplied to demonstrate this. You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
For this unit please also supply a witness testimony to confirm you develop and implement proactive monitoring systems for health and safety. This can be used as part of your evidence to support the statements below. Please also provide sample signatures on the form provided in section 7 of the guidebook.
Learning Outcome 1 – Devise inspection and monitoring systems for health and safety proactive performance monitoring.
Systems could include observations, consultations, inspections, may be monthly, annually, group by group, department by department, whole company meeting Management of Health and Safety Regulations and other legislation specific to own organisation (food, petrochemicals, offshore etc.
Competencies may include specialist skills, experience, qualifications, familiarity with workplace, process etc.
Plan may include roles and responsibilities, inspection methods, frequency, timing, recording and reporting, reviews.
Equipment could include noise meters, individual noise badge, air quality measuring (dust, vapour, whole area, individual) water purity testing etc.
Reviews and records could relate to dates, suitability, conformity, and could include COSHH data, safe systems of work, health and safety records, individual health monitoring records, roles and responsibilities, inspection plans, records, minutes involving line managers, senior managers, health and safety committees, trade union representatives.
(1.1) Develop workplace inspection and monitoring systems and procedures to include:
• methodology
• frequency
• compliance with health and safety regulations
• organisational requirements
Explain how you develop workplace inspections and other monitoring systems. Describe the reasoning behind your methods and the frequency of the monitoring. Also describe how you comply with various regulations that affect your activities and your own organization’s procedures and how that affects the way in which you develop the monitoring systems.
(1.2) Assess the competence needs of the people who will carry out the inspection and monitoring in the organization
Explain the process you undertake to assess the competencies of the people who carry out monitoring systems/inspections within your organization.
(1.3) Plan in conjunction with others the implementation of appropriate inspection and monitoring systems in the organization
Describe how you consult and communicate with others when planning routine systems and irregular inspections.
(1.4) Identify any relevant monitoring equipment that may be required
Explain what types of monitoring equipment you use or is used by any third party experts you may bring in to undertake monitoring activities for the organisation?
(1.5 & 1.6) Analyse all internal documentation and health and safety statutory records initiated by the organisation for proactive performance monitoring to ensure proactive monitoring is appropriately managed.
What types of records of proactive monitoring performance do you keep and for how long? Explain your process for auditing the records, which are completed when monitoring/inspections has taken place by others, include reference to internal and external monitoring undertaken by an external source.
(1.7 & 2.1) Involve managers, employee representatives and employees in health and safety proactive monitoring systems and procedures and inform them of the outcomes of performance monitoring of the organization.
Explain how you involve managers, employee reps and employees in health and safety monitoring. Describe how they are involved in each stage of the process from the planning stage until the corrective measures are determined. Explain how you ensure the information of health and safety monitoring is communicated to employees.
(1.8) Maintain appropriate records of health and safety proactive monitoring systems and outcomes.
Explain what documentation is used when carrying out monitoring/inspections and how the records are stored and maintained.
Learning Outcome 2 – Keep stakeholders informed of health and safety proactive
performance monitoring outcomes
Could be informed by meetings, reports, memos, emails, notice boards, newsletters and could include text, instructions, images, graphs, charts, data, statistics.
Outcomes could include identification of accident blackspots, changes to procedures, revised risk assessments, training needs, recognition of achievement (e.g. accident free days), benefits of good health and safety.
Proposals could be straightforward or complex, long or short term and include new/replacement plant and equipment, increased maintenance, further training, new procedures.
Responses may be in relation to new legislation, identified weakness’s in health and safety, advice, guidance and/or recommendations from regulatory authorities.
(2.2 & 2.4) Prepare reports and propose recommendations based on the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organization.
Describe your reporting procedures and the style and frequency of the reports, and what format this would normally take when reporting to management. How do you present recommendations to the relevant decision makers and other affected by the outcome of the monitoring.
(2.3) Interpret to non-specialist audience the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organization
Describe how you communicate the outcomes of monitoring/inspections to a general audience ie operatives, general workforce. How does your approach differ from when you present information to management and fellow safety professionals?
(2.5) Respond to the requirements of the regulatory authorities in respect of the outcomes of health and safety proactive performance monitoring of the organisation.
Describe how you deal with the regulatory authorities, including ensuring compliance with new legislation and where weaknesses may have been identified or recommendations made by them following inspections. Do you have special requirements for periodic proactive monitoring enforced by the authorities?
Learning Outcome 3 – Understand how to develop and implement proactive monitoring systems for health and safety
Reduction/elimination of accidents, safety of workforce, plant and premises, health and +safety culture, early warning routine.
Rationale could include health and safety awareness, health and safety culture, early recognition of potential hazards and risks, less lost time accidents, more productivity.
Equipment for air, noise, water, eye strain etc.
Procedures could include planned or ad-hoc inspections, inspection teams and personnel, interviews questioning, feedback, recording and reporting systems.
Responses could include monitoring (e.g. eye tests, hearing tests, x-rays) training, advice and guidance, changing work methods etc.
External factors could include UK and EU legislation, requirements/expectations of professional bodies, customers and others who may be affected, materials used in production process, location, access to emergency services.
(3.1) Describe the nature and role of active health and safety monitoring systems within the organization
What do you expect, or aim to achieve, by the various monitoring you have in place?
(3.2) Present the rationale for proactive monitoring systems for health and safety
How will you ensure you achieve your aims and expectations as described in the statement above? What techniques and measures will you undertake and how will you measure success?
(3.3) Describe the whole range of monitoring equipment
Describe what monitoring/sampling requires specialist equipment to measure the risk.
(3.4) Explain sampling routines
Explain the purpose of the various sampling routines you have in place in your organisation.
(3.5) Explain the procedure for workplace inspections and activity observations
Explain the procedure and what you would expect to observe as part of your inspection; include how you would interview and question personnel.
(3.6) Explain the principles of effective written and verbal communication
Explain all aspects of written and verbal communication and how you use them in your workplace.
(3.7) Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others
Explain how you deal with the various groups and individuals within and external to your organization and how you alter your approach to ensure their needs are met.
(3.8) Describe external factors influencing active health and safety monitoring systems:
• health and safety statutory requirements and industry best practice for proactive monitoring systems and documentation
• quality management requirements for documentation
Describe how legislation, professional bodies and industry best practice can influence the requirements for monitoring and how do you ensure your documentation and records meet the required standards.