Describe in detail the purpose of the project

Introduction (section subtotal 40 points)

____ Describe in detail the purpose of the project (10 points)

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____  Describe previous studies and basic concepts (15 points)

Judged for quality, timeliness, number, and coherence with current project

____ Hypothesis stated correctly (10 points)

____ Formatting: Title of paper centered at top of page, paragraphs are indented, subheadings (if necessary) used appropriately (5 points)

Introduction Section Total _________/40


Method (section subtotal 30 points)

____ Participants/Subjects — describe the subject pool, i.e., demographic data (5 points)

____ Materials – describe the scale used (10 points)

____ Procedure – describe the experiment so it might be replicated, be very specific (10points)

____  Formatting: Centered heading: “Method” in bold and subsections begin with

left-justified, bolded headings (e.g. Procedure) (5 points)

Method Section Total _________/30


Results (section subtotal 20points)

____  Provide the descriptive statistics (I.e., group variance; 10points)

____  Describe the results of the inferential statistics (5 points)

____ Formatting: Centered heading: “Results” in bold (5point)

Results Section Total _________/20


Discussion (section subtotal 30 points)

____  Show whether the project demonstrated the concept to be tested, relating conclusion to data (5 points)

____  Discuss successes and problems with the study (10 points)

____ Suggestions for further investigation (10 points)

____ Formatting: Centered heading: “Discussion” in bold (5 points)

Discussion Section Total _________/30


References (section subtotal 20 points)

*NOTE: 2 points will be deducted for each article you’re short of the five-minimum. For example, if you only cite three journal articles, you will have 4 points deducted. Articles cited in the references page but not in-text do not count!

____ References provided appropriately for each article cited (5 points)

____ APA style for references in the Reference Section (5 points)

____ APA style for references in the text (5 points)

____ Formatting: Centered heading: “References” & Hanging indents for all entries (5 points)

References Section Total __________/20