Coventry University’s new partnership

Prepare a project initiation document (2000 words), drawing on appropriate project management theory and frameworks, to present to the University’s governors for approval.

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Gantt chart needed in this paper:

There are Textbook u might need it when you writing:

Maylor, H. (2010) Project Management 4th edn. Harlow, FT Prentice Hall (this is available as an e-book via Locate)


Pinto, JK (2013) Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, 3rd Edition, Pearson.

Recommended reading (some giving an alternative view of project management) are:
APM (2012) Body of Knowledge, 6th Edition. Association for Project Management.

Andersen, E.S. (2008) Rethinking Project Management: an organisational perspective Harlow, FT Prentice Hall

Gardiner, P. (2005) Project Management: A Strategic Planning Approach Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan

Larson, E. W. and Gray, C. F. (2011) Project Management: The Managerial Process. 5th edn. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Lock, D. (2013) Project Management. 10th Ed. Aldershot, Gower Publishing (available in the library in previous editions and as an e-book)

Newton, R. (2009) The practice and theory of Project Management: creating value through change Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan

Koster, K. (2013) International Project Management Thousand Oaks: SAGE