course work

Db Forum #2 – Variables
Part 1

For each of the variables listed below, you must 1) determine the level of measurement and 2) say whether it is categorical or continuous:

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a) the amount of resistance a suspect displays toward the police, measured as not resistant, somewhat resistant, very resistant

b) the number of times someone has shoplifted in his/her life

c) the number of times someone has shoplifted, measured as 0-2, 3-5, 6 or more.

d) in a sample of juvenile delinquents, whether or not those juveniles have substance abuse disorders

e) the type of attorney a defendant has at trial, measured as privately retained or publicly funded

f) a prosecutor’s filing decisions, measured as filed charges and did not file charges

g) in a sample of offenders sentenced to prison, the number of days in their sentences.

Part 2

Below are two research scenarios. For each scenario, answer the three questions below

1. A researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that arrest deters recidivism. She gathers a sample of people who have been arrested.

a) what is the independent variable?

b) what is the dependent variable?

c) what is the unit of analysis?

2. A researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that prison architecture design affects the number of inmate-on-inmate assaults that take place inside a facility. He gathers a sample of prisons across the United States.

a) what is the independent variable?

b) what is the dependent variable?

c) what is the unit of analysis?