Controlled Medications

Prescription drug abuse is a significant problem in today’s society. Fatal prescription overdoses went from 1.4/100,000 deaths in 1999 to 5.4/100,000 deaths in 2011. Much has changed in practices in the last 15 years as a result of these problems with a goal of curbing addiction and overdose. Prescription drug monitoring programs have been developed in response to the alarming rate of incidences. Initially, rates of the program was low at around 35% of prescribers enrolled (Haffajee, 2015). However with a mandatory requirement of a query before prescribing, a reduction in prescription drug abuse was found (Haffajee, 2015).

Impacts for health are complicated as controlled medications are now limited which are easy temporary fixes but other avenues of treatment are now utilized such as therapy and and other non pharmacological means. Insurers benefit as they do not have to deal with the sequalae of cost for addiction treatment and overdoses. Prescribers are encouraged to think outside of the box and not rely so heavily on pharmacological means of treating pain/sleep issues and seek other causes/treatments to these problems.

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