Community-based participatory research: a capacity-building approach for policy advocacy aimed at eliminating health disparities.

Capacity-building approach for policy advocacy aimed at eliminating health disparities.

In Public health human life is the purpose for which healthcare delivery is grounded to satisfy and health policy advocacy depends on the expertise of community leaders in all walks of life. Therefore capacity-building approach in public health supports the objectives of every country to increase the status quo of its citizens in developing health policy towards getting rid of health disparities. Public health professionals, stakeholders and each government understand that capacity –building of communities empowers individuals, families and the entire population to become architects of their health care system in order to close the gap of health disparities.

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Community-based participatory research: a capacity-building approach for policy advocacy aimed at eliminating health disparities.
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In this paper health disparities experienced by African Americans in United States would be examined with the purpose of developing strategies for capacity building among African American population.  Capacity building would for this population would encourage consented efforts in closing the gap brought about social injustice when healthcare delivery exposes the disparities which exists and affects this minority group.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2005, January 14) stated that,  the two thousand and two  census, reported  36.4 million people, of about 12.9 percent  of the general population of U.S. were African American; furthermore, 35.4 million of population were non- Hispanic blacks Non-Hispanic blacks show a disproportionate…………………….