
It is an honor to comment on a respected colleague’s work, and this is no exception. Miguel Gallardo urges us to explore the intersection of multiculturalism, culturally responsive practice, and ethics, as well as the logical and philosophical implications of that intersection. Rapidly changing demographics and increasingly so- phisticated understandings of culture require that we include cul- tural responsiveness in the provision of ethically appropriate and effective services to a broad population. The case can be made that attention to culture is an ethical responsibility because it is attuned to the needs, characteristics, and values of clients and because it is essential to maintaining appropriate competence. Gallardo’s asser- tion that culture is ubiquitous and a central concept creates a shift in perspective that places cultural understanding, inclusion, and responsiveness as foundational tenets within psychotherapy. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity to broaden our perspectives on the relationship frame within which psychotherapy occurs. The parameters of psychotherapy—what belongs inside and outside of psychotherapy—and the psychotherapy relationship are reflective of the cultural perspective within which psychother- apy occurs. Here I present an alternative conceptualization of the nature of psychotherapy boundaries, and the inevitable multiple relationships that follow, which may prove helpful in advancing this continuing dialogue.

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